1 Mart 2012 Perşembe

Dreams of Sufis (some good news)

These dreams have been seen by various Sufis at various times.

"They can come with us"

Dream of a sufi:

He sees Abdulbaki Hz. Judgment in place

The Prophet Mohammad (s.a.v.) next to Abdulbaki hz.
Abdulbaki stands with respect beside of Mohammed (s.a.v.)

Prophet Mohammad (s.a.v.): "Abdulbaki, Give me your hand, here we go" he says.
Abdulbaki hz. twist his neck.
"Sir, Sufis...." he says.
Prophet Mohammad (s.a.v.) smiles:
"They can come with us" he says.


"I will look like Sufi for his sufis"
Dream of other Sufi:

in sufi's dream:

Someone is coming who dressed as sufi and says to sufi “Get up, Let’s go.”
Sufi goes after him.
They are going together for a while in a vehicle.
Then that person says : “Get off
Sufi going down.
Sufi "I'm a little afraid of you, Who are you?" he says.
That person, "I am Grim Reaper, I have come to take your life" he says.
Sofi "Well, on your gown, capat the your head, so you're like Sufis,never look like the Grim Reaper." he says.
Reaper: "Your Murshid ​​had such a prayed in . Allah (C.C.) had heard his prayer.
After this, I will look like Sufi for his sufis" he says.


Abdulbaki, I also take them.”  
  Dream of other sufi:

He see our Prophet in his dream:
Hadrat Abubekr, Hadrat Omar, Hadrat Osman and Hadrat Ali are Next to our master Prophet (s.a.v.).
Sayyid Abdulbaki is standing decently in front of them.
And there is a large group of people in frond of them.
Prophet Mohammad (s.a.v.)says:
"Abdulbaki, Give AbuBakr the most loyal ones of your sufis."
Abdulbaki(hz.) selects some sufis for Abu Bakr.
Hadrat Abu Bakr takes them and goes.

Our Prophet Mohammad (s.a.v.):
Abdulbaki, now, Give Omar most fair ones of your sufis."
Abdulbaki(hz.) selects some sufis for Hadrat Omar.
Hadrat Omar takes them and goes.
 The Prophet Muhammad says again:
Abdulbaki, Give Osman most decent ones of your sufis."
Also Hadrat Osman takes them and goes.

This time the Prophet Mohammad (s.a.v.):
Abdulbaki, Give Ali, most scholars ones of your sufis."
Hadrat Ali takes them and goes.

Hadrat Abdulbaki looks and sees that, a lot of sufis are still waiting there.
He sadly begs to Our Prophet Mohammed (s.a.v.):
"Sir, they are also our flimsy Sufis, is there any way for them?"
Our Prophet Mohammad (s.a.v.) smile and says:
Abdulbaki, I also take them.”

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