2 Mart 2012 Cuma

How can i help with you

if you think to go to Menzil, you can go with two ways :

  1. You can go by plane to adiyaman and you can pass menzil. (Menzil is the village of adiyaman. it take 1,5 hours from adiyaman to menzil. There is a service at airport to menzil)
  2. You can come to istanbul and you can go by bus from istanbul to menzil (There are Modern Buses from istanbul to menzil. They are coming directly menzil. (till inside village). Buses are take on everyday to menzil.

if you think to go from istanbul. if you connect me (at least one - two days ago). i can host you my home "free" one day and i can take you to bus station inshallah. (Bus station is not far from my house)

Or :
if you want to contact a dergah where you live. if you say me your city, i search a dergah near to you inshallah.

my mail adreses:
islammuslim@hotmail.com or medyatanitim1@hotmail.com

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